Tide Ventures and Jump Movement present; Engaged Team session

Keeping your team Focused, connected and Engaged session (online!)

Building a successful team takes work, communication and understanding that can be hard even during the best of times.
We are now living in unprecedented times with the Covid 19 pandemic that is leaving many organizations standing on shaky ground, with massive changes as business premises are shifting how they work and many staff working from home. It is time now more than ever to take a step away from the day to day to focus on internal strength through relationships, connection and engagement building your team to set them and the organization up for success.

• Are you anxious about keeping your team together even when they might work
• Are you anxious about keeping your team focused?
• Is productivity down?
• Do you want your team to be committed and fully engaged?
• Is your team living in fear?
• Are you worried about costs and wondering how to keep them low?

You are not alone and we are here to support you.

Now more than ever, you need your team members to be working together as they stay focused on your organizations mission and goals.
As your organization is striving to thrive amid the challenges of these times, an engaged, committed and focused team is your biggest asset. Your team fully engaged and working together toward the organizations goal and its mission is the key to beating the odds.

Let us support you with our tested and internationally proven team engagement Secrets

That Will cause your team to;

  • Develop self-discipline,
  • Become more self-driven and connected,
  • Unlock Unlimited Motivation
  • Become Laser-Focused

With our programs offered to your team, you can TRUST them to THINK and ACT like they OWN the organisation.
Your team can play full out, make accurate decisions and achieve your greatest goals… at their own accord freeing managers to concentrate on strategic management.

How do we do this?

Tide ventures offers a wide range of programs all of which support teams to:

  • Become engaged, focused and highly productive.
  • Take 100% responsibility for their results.
  • Become a Vision Led Team.
  • Clarify their personal mission, vision and goals and relate these to the accomplishment of the organizational mission.
  • Understand commitment and love to honour their word.
  • Transform your company culture into a winning culture.
  • Utilize feedback for personal and professional growth.
  • Communication effectively.
  • Including fun and friendship in the organization to create connection among employees.
  • Effectively prepare for retirement.

Our programs are offered in partnership with global consultants and experts that have developed tested and proven methodologies that will support you identify your own strength and decide on key steps and responsibilities that will inevitably lead your
organization on its way up.

Your Benefits

The benefits of engaged teams in your company are numerous! When business owners or managers can trust their teams to keep moving towards the goal, they relax, and they can concentrate on strategy as they trust their employees to drive the daily agenda.

This session is offered in partnership with Jump Movement. The Jump Movement-Engaged Team programs are structurally designed as an interactive way for an organization to start moving towards the organizational most common challenge:

‘Aligned team productivity’. The aim of the program is to get your team more connected and moving towards your mission and strategy. In general, these programs are done offline.

We are going through a difficult time, therefore transforming this program into an online meet up is a useful and appropriate alternative, so we offer a 2-hour online session to get started and have teams start relating and moving towards desired directions.

In a way, the world has come to a big pause. A lot of people are out of the workplace and suffering with totally different circumstances in their lives. This is a global effect!

This session will support your team to process through their fears and come up with the next steps towards overcoming them.

Engaged Team session

The Jump Movement Engaged Team session is a highly interactive and reflective session. It’s to enable the team to reflect on their current situation, create support and connection and align on what we call a ‘magnet’ (direction to move towards).
It creates concrete steps for every team member to take towards that direction.

The Jump Movement methodology

This online Jump Movement session creates engagement in the team by using a few basic principles as guidelines. It’s a self-organizing system, executed by following the principles of Jump Movement and ultimately the 7 steps of the conversation method. It brings
the participants automatically to more connection, more engagement and action towards a commonly shared direction.

Program Requirements:

This is a 2-hour program designed to serve from the online platform Zoom. So, employees can do this from their home or offices.
People need have stable internet, with video option. This is very important to maintain the interactive character of the Jump Movement method.

Maximum participants are 10 people per session. If the team is bigger, we can facilitate multiple sessions per group of 10.

Who Should Join:

Teams, with their leaders who want to stay connected and effectively working towards desired results.

Teams who are scattered in these times of lock down and need an effective way to connect and keep going.
Teams that need to have a structural method of aligning, reflecting and start moving.

Your Investment for the Program:

For this 2hr on line session, a fee of UGX 2,000,000/ (Uganda Shillings two million) shall be charged.

When it comes to a staff development program that will be effective for the achievement of the organizational goal, we believe the method of delivery is as important as content itself. Jump Movement ensures a global standard delivery which has touched and
developed over 250,000 people lives from 14 country.

If we all jump, we will move the world

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