Tide Ventures


I know you may have good reason to resent the statement. 

To many of us, 2020 has been the strangest and most confusing year in our lifetime. More so because it started with the greatest excitement and high hopes before it turned a corner and kept going and going in the opposite direction.

However, here we are!

We may have lost so much. Many have lost jobs, many lost income but even worse, many have lost people.

It hasn’t been easy. But if we are here, there is hope and we shall overcome.

Let us pray and hope for a better year 2021.

But even as we pray, hope and wait, let us set our goals for the New Year. Don’t fear to go after them. The people who have continued to stand in the year 2020 are those who had clear goals and thus were able to adjust them in any direction based on the situation.

So what are your goals for 2021? I don’t mean New Year Resolutions which fade out of memory by February. I mean real actionable goals. The how much by when kind of goals. 

Please set yours if you haven’t, celebrate life and look forward to a better, great, healthy year 2021!

You have made it. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

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